Organisers behind the Abbots Langley Tough Ten are on the lookout for volunteers to help out on the day.

Marshalls are needed to assist runners around the route at the 30th anniversary of the race on Sunday.

Volunteers will be asked to give up around three hours of their time to volunteer on Sunday morning between 9am and noon and will be posted at strategic points around Abbots Langley to ensure that runners take the correct route.

Thirty years ago the original ten-mile race was organised to raise cash for MENCOP, a local police charity supporting mentally and physically handicapped children.

Today, runners will race for local charities, such as Red Cross, hospices, the village surgery and clubs such as the Monday Club and community centre.

Over the years, more than £250,000 has been raised and residents have benefited from brand new equipment to improve their quality of life.

Families and tough runners will take part in the races that include the 1.5k at 9.30am, 3k and 5k runs at 10am, as well as the 10k event at 10.30am.

Charity runs will begin at the Manor House Grounds, Gallows Hill Lane, Abbots Langley, on Sunday, October 7.

To volunteer, contact John Blake on 07786378613 or