Having been ahead, then behind and eventually grabbing a point in stoppage time, head coach Valerien Ismael thought his players showed character and determination.

Certainly, backbone, spirit and a willingness to scrap were all largely absent last season – going 2-1 down to anyone would have led to defeat.

So while Watford ended up scrambling a point when they looked very capable of taking all three for much of the game, the head coach saw positives.

“The moral and mentality we showed today was great. It has been a good week for us, two wins and a draw. For sure you want more, of course,” he said.

“For the first 60 minutes I thought we were excellent – and after that if someone asked you what is the Championship about, watch the rest of the game.

“Set pieces are a massive part of the Championship and you always have to be aware. We knew that before the game.

“From 60 minutes onwards the game became hectic, and we didn’t have the control, which meant they put us exactly where they wanted us.

“Our build-up play was less clinical and more sloppy, we were making short clearances, conceding another corner, another throw-in, another free kick.

“They started to build momentum and it was difficult to take control.

“But then at the end we regained control and you saw the quality we have got, and that we can score at any time.

“I was really pleased to see the players’ mentality, and the impact from the bench: Louza with the cross, Rajovic scored and just before that Healey made a great defensive clearance.

“This is why I’m pleased. The Championship is a long run, and we are showing all the values you need, either to win games or not to lose.”

Ismael said he felt the fans stuck with the team, and that made a telling difference in the final outcome.

“We are at home and you want to win the game, but you saw how our fans reacted, they pushed us right to the end,” he said.

“They gave us belief because they believe in us, and they know something can happen.

“It was a great feeling on the pitch to feel their energy. The feeling was there from the crowd to lift the players, and help them to show that we are able to score at any time.”

The Watford boss again referred to the woeful defeat at Sunderland – after which he kept the players locked in the dressing room for more than an hour – as the low water-mark of the season so far.

“Since the game at Sunderland I think we have had a turnaround,” he said.

“Every time since we have shown mentality as a team, we have competed as a team, the support is there and today you saw that with Rhys Healey – he came into the game, made a block and had he not then at 3-1 the game is over.

“But he kept us in the game, we came back into it and then you never know.

“Maybe later in the season we will look at today and how the game went, and say this was a massive point for us.”