Watford will predominantly play with a formation of 3-4-2-1 or 3-4-1-2 next season.

While there may be tweaks and movements within games – and the Hornets are aiming to build a squad that lets them be adaptable and switch as and when required – that is how Tom Cleverley is going to build and coach his squad.

“We’re going to recruit towards a shape where we have three centre-backs, two No.6s, attacking wing-backs and then at the top of the pitch it’ll either be two No.10s and one No.9, or one No.10 and a pair of No.9s,” he said.

“We’re certainly aiming to be adaptable, particularly at the top end.

“As coaches, one thing we have to be is adaptable.

“If you get two centre backs that are injured in the middle of the season then you have to be able to move to four at the back.

“We have a clear structure and style of play that we are going to move towards, and will recruit players for that.”

Cleverley said it’s not a shape he played in during his career, but it’s what he thinks best suits the players already at the club and those he has in mind as he recruits.

“It’s not a style or formation that I actually played in myself, but again I use that word adaptable and when I came into this squad I thought it was a shape that fits,” he explained.

“I think it plays to our strengths and helps with any weaknesses.

“All my career and when I was coaching the Academy I was in back fours, but I really think this is for us.

“It’s a system Damon Lathrope has played and has coached a lot, so he has helped me to transition to using a back three.”

The Watford boss says that shapes and formations alone will not bring success though.

“A system is a system. It won’t be a system that wins you games,” he commented.

“They can help but they don’t win and lose football matches.

“The environment you work in, the application, the heart and desire, the tempo you play at, the consistency of your work. They’re the things that win you games of football.

“That is especially the case in this league, and as a player I always wanted to see myself as someone who showed heart and desire, applied themselves, was consistent, contributed to a good environment.

“We have a talented bunch of players, but they have to show that consistently.”