Hundreds of people waited more than three months for a second mental health treatment in west Hertfordshire boroughs last year, figures show.

The NHS' talking therapy service treats patients for common mental health problems like stress, anxiety and depression.

In data released on February 9 by NHS Digital, in the year to November 2022, around 7,475 patients received a second treatment under the former NHS Herts Valleys CCG, now known as Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board.

Watford Observer: NHS' talking therapy service treats patients for common mental health problems like stress, anxiety, and depressionNHS' talking therapy service treats patients for common mental health problems like stress, anxiety, and depression (Image: cottonbro studio)

However, 840 (11.2%) had to wait more than 90 days from their first one. This was a rise from 4.9% in the year to November 2019.

As of November 2022, around 1,380 people were waiting for a first treatment in west Hertfordshire boroughs – up slightly from 1,360 in November 2019.

Dr Jane Halpin, CEO of the care board, did not comment on the rise in people waiting for a second treatment.

But she said: “Our core local data shows that in January 2022, 92.2% of people had their first [talking therapy] appointment within six weeks and almost 98% were seen within 18 weeks.” 

Standards set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence state 75% of patients should get a first treatment within six weeks.