Temporary lights blamed for traffic “carnage” will be in place for more than a week extra as the road surface causes delays.

Leep Electricity Networks Limited roadworks to install a new service connection in Meriden Way, Watford, were set to last from September 7 until September 24, with multi-way signals in place near Widgeon Way, but will now be there until October 4.

County councillor for Meriden and Tudor Steve Cavinder explained that the works are to install high-speed cables to serve a new data centre in Hemel Hempstead but it has taken longer than expected to work through concrete underneath the tarmac.

His fellow Liberal Democrat, borough councillor Amanda Grimston, said locals have “had enough” of recent traffic disruption from roadworks.

“Its causing traffic chaos,” she added. “Delays for people going to work… getting home from work.”

Earlier this month a local, who did not want to be named, described traffic "carnage" backing up all the way onto the A41, adding that it was an “accident waiting to happen” as they saw cars needing to swerve on the 50 mile per hour road.

On Friday (September 15) buses were forced to stop calling at the Meriden estate because the positioning of the works made it unsafe to turn onto Meriden Way.

Watford Observer: Meriden Way near where the temporary lights are.Meriden Way near where the temporary lights are. (Image: Google Street View)

A bus diversion route was put in place that afternoon and work later moved further up the road, allowing buses to turn safely again, Cllr Cavinder said he was pleased the issue was dealt with quickly due to the disruption it caused.

He added that he understood any roadworks will cause disruption but has now asked officers to look at the way the lights are managed to minimise it.

Watford Observer: A41 where traffic reportedly backed on to (Meriden to the left)A41 where traffic reportedly backed on to (Meriden to the left) (Image: Google Street View)

Leep Electricity Networks Limited, which is undertaking the work, has been contacted for more information.

Installing the high-speed cables for the data centre has also involved works in St Albans Road, Horseshoe Lane, and Woodmere Avenue. It is separate from any works that are for the Meriden Regeneration Project.