Two women sit and talk at a bus stop while a few cars make their way along a road on what appears to be a quiet day in the centre of Watford.

This snapshot in time was captured by a Watford Observer photographer on a Sunday almost exactly 54 years ago and shows how a section of The Parade looked in November 1969.

The most obvious difference with how this part of the town centre looks today is the road, while older readers may remember the shops pictured – Granada, Ronald Cole and Soho Records.

Watford Observer: Granada, Ronald Cole and Soho RecordsGranada, Ronald Cole and Soho Records (Image: Watford Observer)

Much has changed since these pictures were taken but many of the buildings – Monmouth House is behind and to the left of the bus stops – remain part of the Watford townscape.

Watford Observer: The road running through The ParadeThe road running through The Parade (Image: Watford Observer)