Watford’s mayor is set to hold a meeting with Watford’s Royal Mail bosses over post “chaos” — amid long delays.

After hearing from locals about slow service in the town, Watford mayor Peter Taylor yesterday (December 18) announced that the meeting will be held this afternoon (December 19).

Mr Taylor said: “Many of you have been in touch regarding delays to your post.

“I’ll be meeting managers who run your Royal Mail postal service tomorrow afternoon to find out why.

“If you have any feedback on the service we receive in Watford please get in touch by commenting below, or emailing me direct at: Peter.Taylor@watford.gov.uk.”

Residents claimed they have had “very few” deliveries and feel they “can’t rely” on the service for receiving what they need.

Watford Observer: Watford mayor Peter TaylorWatford mayor Peter Taylor

As early as August customers had complained of “nightmare” delays lasting weeks and “chaos” at sorting offices.

In late November, the Royal Mail told the Watford Observer it now has "dedicated teams responsible for improving deliveries" locally, and it was understood there were already eight new posties operating in the area.

A spokesperson said: “We are committed to restoring our quality of service to our customers.

"We have plans in place and dedicated teams responsible for improving deliveries in Watford and at our delivery offices nationwide."

Additional pressure is believed to have been placed on the service recently due to a competitor reportedly reducing its Watford capacity.