Three Rivers District Council has received an offer to buy a community building currently earmarked for flats.

The British Red Cross centre in Barton Way, Croxley Green, has been largely out of use since 2019 after the charity stopped using it because a review found it was “too large for our needs”. It also required “a considerable amount of resource” to manage hiring it out.

Its future has been in doubt ever since, but one of the two main possibilities appeared to be turning it into Croxley Green Parish Council offices while maintaining part as a community space.

The parish council had expressed interest in the site and Three Rivers District Council said it “may be prepared to consider an appropriate financial offer from the parish that reflects the market value of the site”.

The parish council has now confirmed that an offer has been made, but it could not share details of the sum involved.

If the parish council does not take the building on, a plan to demolish the building and construct a three-floor building with nine social affordable homes upstairs while maintaining a “modern” community space on the ground floor is expected to be proposed.

Watford Observer: The British Red Cross centre in Barton Way, Croxley Green.The British Red Cross centre in Barton Way, Croxley Green. (Image: Three Rivers District Council)