The family of a man who suffered a heart attack while on holiday are pleading for help to fly him home.

Kings Langley Football Club groundskeeper Trevor Dealey remains on a ventilator following the incident on May 11, which happened while in Mexico with his partner Sarah Cleveland.

The Hemel Hempstead resident was rushed to a private hospital where medics confirmed he had developed sepsis but that his insurance, through Admiral, appeared likely to decline his claim.

Watford Observer: Trevor Dealey and Sarah Cleveland.Trevor Dealey and Sarah Cleveland. (Image: Dealey family)

His family, including children Megan and Oliver who flew out after the heart attack, say he remains in a stable but critical condition.

They desperately want to get him home to a UK hospital but this will require a medical flight.

Visit the GoFundMe page here

Megan Dealey, 25, explained that the family are “exhausted” as they try to find a way to get him back to the country.

“We just want to be back home and have him home," she added. "We are not sleeping at all really. It’s just a nightmare.”

Watford Observer: Trevor Dealey.Trevor Dealey. (Image: Dealey family)

A GoFundMe page was initially set up to contribute towards the 58-year-old's medical costs but his children say everything else, including the "tremendous financial strain" the costs so far have already put on the family, has been put on the backburner to get the flight organised.

It is expected to cost around £106,000.

The fundraiser has garnered £18,840 of the £110,000 target so far. The family do not expect it will cover the entire cost but hope to get “a good chunk” covered as they cannot currently afford it otherwise.

The next steps depend on how Trevor reacts once he comes out of the sedation. This is expected in the next few days and must happen before doctors can determine when he can be brought back to the UK.

In a post to X(formerly Twitter) Kings Langley FC said: "Everyone at the club is wishing Trev all the best in his recovery and ask that where possible our community support the man who keeps our club ticking over on a weekly basis."

An Admiral spokesperson said: “As part of our process of confirming cover for any claim where a medical incident is involved, we will check a customer’s previous medical history to ensure they have declared everything they need to.

Watford Observer: Trevor Dealey.Trevor Dealey. (Image: Dealey family)

“We do not take the decision to refuse a claim lightly as we appreciate the financial implications this can have.

“However, if a customer requires medical treatment while abroad which is related to medical conditions that haven’t been declared to us, we may in some situations have to decline their claim.

“Our emergency assistance team will continue to provide non-financial support and medical assistance to Mr Dealey and his family if they require this.”