Train stations in and around Watford have been ranked by their number of cancellations.

On Time Trains has revealed its latest data for 2,633 UK railway stations’ performance over the past six months.

According to the site, “highly ranked stations have services which depart and arrive on time and are not cancelled”.

Despite what some passengers might expect, the Abbey Line stations placed fairly strongly with St Albans Abbey ranked 588th, Park Street 548th, How Wood 477th, Bricket Wood 682nd, Garston 595th, and Watford North 492nd.

Full data with interactive map availiable from On Time Trains here

Compared with the nearest similarly sized stations St Albans and Slough, Watford Junction (at 1,640th) performed slightly better than the former (1,683th) but worse than the latter (1,162nd). All three had between 10,000 and 12,000 passengers per day.

Kings Langley was the area’s worst performing station at 2,022nd, followed by Apsley at 1,941st.

All rankings for Watford area stations below:

Watford North - 492nd - 85 passengers/day

Garston - 595th - 51 passengers/day

Bricket Wood - 682nd - 36 passengers/day

Rickmansworth - 769th - 2,091 passengers/day

Chorleywood - 784th - 920 passengers/day

Watford High Street - 828th - 2,916 passengers/day

Carpenders Park - 898th - 2,364 passengers/day

Radlett – 1,419th - 1,983 passengers/day

Bushey - 1,461st - 2,262 passengers/day

Watford Junction – 1,640th – 11,971 passengers/day

Apsley – 1,941st – 896 passengers/day

Kings Langley - 2,022nd - 773 passengers/day