Four Watford roads could become one-way amid parked cars leading to “confrontations between angry drivers”.

Ashby Road, Brighton Road, Jubilee Road, and Diamond Road are included in an ongoing Hertfordshire County Council consultation that started on October 2 and is set to end on October 30.

If the changes went ahead, the roads, between Gammons Lane, Leavesden Road and Sussex Road, would only allow traffic in alternating directions.

Ashby Road and Jubilee Road would only allow traffic towards Sussex Road while Diamond Road and Brighton Road would only permit cars to go the other way.

The scheme is being promoted by North Watford county councillor Asif Khan, who is considering using his annual discretionary Highway Locality Budget to fund the project.

The Labour councillor said: “For about six or seven years residents have complained about cars facing each other and traffic does sometimes get over the top.”

Respond to the consultation here

He explained that, although some locals have called for measures to improve the flow of traffic, the consultation is still just looking to make sure there would be wider support for the system.

“If residents aren’t in favour, it won’t go forward,” he added. “We modelled some other ways, but they didn’t seem to work so this seemed to be the best option.”

Watford Observer: Councillors Asif Khan and Richard Smith in Ashby Road.Councillors Asif Khan and Richard Smith in Ashby Road. (Image: Cllr Asif Khan)

According to a letter attached to the consultation, a trial may be considered for the measures before they are made permanent.

The letter adds: “The on-street parking narrows the roads which often results in a ‘one-way’ in either direction, especially in Brighton Road, Jubilee Road, and Diamond Road.

“This means that vehicles must wait at either ends of the road(s), or in an available gap where no parking has occurred, to allow oncoming vehicles to pass.

Watford Observer: Brighton Road area one-way system map.Brighton Road area one-way system map. (Image: Hertfordshire County Council)“This causes numerous problems: vehicles proceed in either direction expecting on-coming drivers to give-way, which leads to motorists meeting head-on without an opportunity to pull-in.

“Traffic is held up, delayed, and is causing confrontations between angry drivers, especially during peak hours and evenings.”

If the plan is taken forward, signs alerting people to the system would be installed at either end of each road alongside a pavement buildout and double yellow lines at some of the junctions.