A Watford man has been sentenced in court over assault after throwing a drink at a woman.

Kushtrim Mujka, of The Gateway, denied assault by beating during an appearance in Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court on September 4, but was found guilty on November 20.

The assault by beating charge related to the 35-year-old throwing a cup of coffee at a woman at King's Cross station on February 20, this year, according to court documents.

He was also found guilty of criminal damage to property worth under £5,000, by damaging a jacket and jeans worth £177.45 belonging to the same woman “intending to destroy or damage such property or being reckless as to whether such property would be destroyed or damaged”.

Mujka was discharged conditionally for six months for both charges and ordered to pay a £26 victim services surcharge and £250 in costs for the assault. The court also ordered him to pay £50 in compensation for the damage.

It did not order compensation for the assault, because no injury was caused, and compensation was therefore focussed on the criminal damage charge.

A conditional discharge means that no further action is taken but if the offender commits another crime they can be sentenced for the first offence as well as the new one.