Ofsted has lavished praise on pupils at an "ambitious" secondary school following its latest visit.

Inspectors assessed Kings Langley School over two days in March, after which a report was published yesterday (May 13) confirming it continues to be 'good'.

They found “pupils enjoy attending” the Love Lane mixed secondary school and benefit from warm and positive relationships.

“All pupils, including students in the sixth form, learn about what good character is,” according to the report.

“This teaches pupils about how to make positive choices. As a result, pupils independently behave in a calm and civilised way.”

The curriculum was described as “ambitious” and “carefully thought through” to build the complexity of what pupils learn over time.

Headteacher David Fisher said the school is “really pleased” with the result, adding that it is not just about the two-days of inspection but consistent work from staff, pupils, and the wider school community.

Watford Observer: Kings Langley School headteacher David Fisher.Kings Langley School headteacher David Fisher. (Image: Kings Langley School)

“I’m incredibly proud of everyone’s hard work and efforts over the years,” he added.

“It should show parents they should be very confident in sending their children to our school.”

Only one area for improvement was given. Inspectors said that, on occasions, “some teachers do not make the most appropriate teaching choices”.

They continued: “Where this is the case, pupils do not get sufficient opportunities to develop and extend their knowledge.

Watford Observer: Kings Langley School sixth form common room.Kings Langley School sixth form common room. (Image: Kings Langley Secondary School)

“This then limits how well they consolidate more complex knowledge.”

The report called for the school to further ensure all staff are able to implement highly effective teaching strategies consistently well.

Mr Fisher said the school will continue to work to maintain standards and iron-out remaining areas for improvement.

Reading and personal development were picked out as areas where Kings Langley School shines.

Watford Observer: Kings Langley School sixth form block.Kings Langley School sixth form block. (Image: Kings Langley Secondary School)

Pupils’ reading was called “a real strength of the school” as they become confident and fluent. Kings Langley also prepares them well for their next steps after they leave and their movement through the school itself.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support they need and safeguarding arrangements were found to be effective.

The inspection was ungraded, meaning no rating was given.

Where an ungraded inspection finds evidence that a school would receive a higher or lower grade than at its last full inspection a new ‘graded’ inspection would be arranged.