A school’s new headteacher has said he will be looking to help it carve out a sense of identity.

Matthew Morey will lead Lanchester Primary School, in Hempstead Road, from September 1 this year.

The new headteacher was born and raised in Watford, attending Nascot Wood Infant and Junior schools as well as Watford Grammar School for Boys, and told the Observer that coming back to the town was a “big motivation” for him.

Mr Morey has already started spending one day a week at the school and working with the current executive headteachers Karen Armstrong and Rupinder Bansil to ensure a smooth transition when the new school year begins.

“It’s been really a great start,” he said, adding that getting to know the community is his top priority.

“I have been meeting the teachers, I briefly met the PTA and even managed to buy a cookie as they were selling them when I met them.

“I’m looking forward to meeting all the people I will be working with.”

Watford Observer: Lanchester Primary School's new headteacher Matt Morey.Lanchester Primary School's new headteacher Matt Morey. (Image: Danes Educational Trust)The school opened in September 2014 with children in the reception classes only and reached its full complement of pupils through to year six in 2020.

It has been inspected twice by Ofsted and was given a ‘requires improvement’ rating in 2017 before achieving a ‘good’ rating in 2019. At each inspection Ofsted noted “considerable turbulence in leadership”.

When he takes over, Mr Morey said one of his focuses will be giving the school a clear identity.

“I think the school has had a lot of changes,” Mr Morey said. “There are lots of things that have begun, so it’s looking at consolidating the great things that have been done and looking at where we can innovate and change.”

“I think it’s still finding what it is its,” the 42-year-old added. “It’s making sure it has the sense of its identity.”

One way he is looking to do this is by making better use of Lanchester Primary’s location in the heart of town. The headteacher wants to take advantage of Watford leisure centre, the town hall, Watford Colosseum, and Watford Library all being on the school’s doorstep, and take children to inspiring places in London.

The role will be Mr Morey’s first headship, with his last role being as deputy headteacher at Little Chalfont Primary School.