Parking rules will soon be enforced with £100 fines to clamp down on illegal parking “blocking lifesaving treatment” at a medical centre.

Attenborough Surgery has alerted patients that from May 2 the Bushey Medical Centre landlords will be instructing Private Parking Solutions (London) Ltd to enforce the car park's rules.

From that date, motorists will face a £100 fine, reduced to £60 if paid within 14 days, if they park or wait on double yellow lines or park in a disabled bay without a disabled parking permit badge.

A spokesperson for the landlord told the Watford Observer that abusing the rules can block lifesaving care by stopping ambulances safely accessing the centre, or stop people who need them using disabled spaces.

Patients were split on the move, with many agreeing that it is necessary to stop people “abusing” free parking and disabled bays.

“You just have to park sensibly and fairly,” one person said.

Others feared it might cause people to miss appointments or have to walk, or thought it was being done just to raise money.

The landlord highlighted that parking was and remains free and the rules and number of spaces have not changed, only enforcement.

The centre is also home to Manor View Practice and Abell Chemist Pharmacy.