A Watford nursery has jumped from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good’ after impressing Ofsted.

Building Blocks Preschool Nurseries in St Andrews Church, Church Road, received the positive report on Wednesday (December 20), one month after an inspection on November 20.

The report praised the way staff “seek and listen to the views of children” and help them “develop a positive attitude to learning”.

The inspector found that the provider, for children aged two to four, had made effective changes since the last inspection in November 2022.

Last year’s inspection had found the quality of education and children’s behaviour and attitudes ‘good’, but the report said personal development and leadership and management needed to improve.

Watford Observer: St Andrews Church, Church Road, Watford.St Andrews Church, Church Road, Watford. (Image: Google Street View)

The areas for improvement were obviously addressed and now all categories were graded ‘good’.

To improve and potentially reach an ‘outstanding’ grade, Ofsted wanted the school to have a more consistent approach to managing behaviour and offer more opportunities for kids to get to grips with early maths concepts.